Stage 1: A Collection of Poems

Stage 1 is a collection of poems written by Adeola Olutoyin Sonola. Stage 1 is Adeola’s very first published book. Some of Adeola’s poems are based on life experiences, some of which are hers and some inspired by other people’s stories and personal circumstances. Some are inspired by nature or simply what she sees around her. Some of her poems have Christian themes and offer hope to those in despair. In summer 2009, Adeola incorporated Stage I to IV into her preaching during a women’s seminar when a local church invited her to speak as a guest speaker. Adeola also created Kids Corner in her book so that all members of the family can enjoy her poems. She encouraged her older children to write poems for Kids Corner and they wrote 6 in total. Where this is the case, this has been identified in the book. Stage 1 will inspire, encourage, motivate, provoke diverse interpretations, and make readers laugh.



May 29, 2020




Adeola Sonola, Stage 1: A Collection of Poems Paperback
